Tupeak Hope

There is always hope!

Office Visits – #AtoZChallenge2018

O is for Office Visits – #AtoZ Challenge 2018 Today’s topic for the letter O shall be office visits. This will include such things as how to adequately prepare for, participate in, and get the most out of the limited face time you may get with your physician or other advanced practitioners. How hard can this be, you may be thinking. Well, in reality, it isn’t hard per se but many people have never learned how to do it effectively.

N is for Nuance – AtoZChallenge2018

N is for Nuance – #AtoZChallenge For the letter N in today’s post, the topic is going to be nuances and how they can appear where you least expect them. According to Merriam-Webster, nuance is defined “as a subtle distinction or variation” and it goes on to explain that it can also refer to a “sensibility to, awareness of, or ability to express delicate shadings (as of meaning, feeling, or value)”.

M is for Money (and Mindfulness) – #AtoZChallenge2018

M is for Money (and Mindfulness) – #AtoZ Challenge 2018 There are two separate for the letter M today for I couldn’t decide between the two. First, we are going to address money and it’s relevance in health matters. Secondly, we are going to address mindfulness as a way of coping with your life regardless of whether you are a patient or a caregiver. They say that money can’t buy happiness and to many, that is a trite, pointless and inaccurate statement.

Life Isn’t Over – #AtoZChallenge2018

Life Isn’t Over – #AtoZ Challenge 2018 Today’s topic is one that is very important. You may have received what you feel is a devastating diagnosis and that your life is over. While it may, in fact, be a devastating diagnosis let me assure you that your life isn’t over whether metaphorically or literally speaking. This is even true in the very sad event that you’ve been given a terminal diagnosis your life is not, in fact over until you cease living.

Keeping Hope Alive – #AtoZChallenge2018

K is for Keeping Hope Alive – #AtoZChallenge 2018 Today’s discussion will focus on hope and how to keep reasonable expectations of it to preserve both your physical and emotional health in regards to living life with chronic illness. Merriam Webster defines hope in the following ways: Intransitive verb To cherish a desire with anticipation; to want something to happen or be true Transitive verb To desire with the expectation of obtainment or fulfillment To expect with confidence.